What’s up with this blog? – I was just chatting with two of my close friends about this yesterday. Despite being a proud introvert, I (like so many of us) do enjoy… sharing.

Stories, experiences, observations and yes even the occasional opinion are all there – looking for the occasional (potentially involuntary) audience. I guess it’s part of what makes us human.

Facebook was for a time an outlet, but I honestly never became comfortable with that model and that discomfort has only progressed further over time. While I do enjoy the platform for keeping in touch and for some of the interest-oriented groups I belong to, the highly public nature on top of the lack of control over what you share is a substantial concern.

Which brings us to this blog. I gave the concept a try during my June trip to WV and took a likin’ to it. So, I’m going all in. For better or for worse, I’m going to increasingly use this as an outlet for my thoughts (parental discretion advised). BUT, I will do so mostly behind a closed door as I am not comfortable with this being entirely public. I’ve not completely delved into how WordPress enables that but will figure it out shortly. If you’re interested and want to follow along, I’d be honored! Keep an eye out for updates and info on how to gain access to the majority of my future posts.

So, here we go. Results are in no way guaranteed. This IS only a test after all.

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